Leaders' Page

The 4-H Volunteer Ventures Podcast examines the fun, but sometimes confusing role of the 4-H volunteer.  Each episode will explore a specific aspect or challenge volunteers face and offer best practices to improve the experience.  Join hosts, Kelly and Laura, as they discuss current trends with volunteers, experts, and colleagues they interview, share resources, and offer tips and tricks.

Spotify link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4hvolunteerventures
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558574791500

Don’t miss out on these learning opportunities for 4-H volunteers.   Be sure to register in advance. More information at:  https://tinyurl.com/4HNERV2025 

Part of the 4-H Volunteer process is the training video, which has a lot of general 4-H information as well as specific volunteer and 4-H leader details. You can review it here any time: https://youtu.be/GsEzWm-yeBc

4-H Year - Timeline and opportunities:

The 4-H year goes from September 1 - August 31. Here are the major deadlines, details, and events that happen over the course of the year:

What are your club's plans for the new 4-H Year? 

NEW! This year, New Jersey 4-H will be using a different online platform: ZSuite. All youth members, club leaders and board members need to enroll.

All members are encouraged to submit a way to record their progress and experience during the past 4-H year.
Please see the Club Resource Page for details: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources (scroll down)

Please see the Club Resource Page for details: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources (scroll down)

Application forms and information about awards like Outstanding 4-H'er / 4-H'er of the Year, National Leadership Award, including who is eligible, will be sent out to leaders as well as teens who can apply. Some applications are done by leaders or require a leader's recommendation letter. Have a look at the Club Resource Page for details: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources (scroll down)

The package for the awards nominations will be emailed to the main club leaders in August/September. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact the office. Awards details can be found on the Club Resources Page: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources (scroll down).

Access to 2023-2024 club rosters will still be available on 4HOnline. Simply go to http://v2.4honline.com , then

Now you have access to the member data from your club and can see new members that have registered (+ on the top right is also a DOWNLOAD ROSTER button)

Club officer elections are typically held at one of the first meetings of the 4-H year (September, October, or sometimes November). Positions for club members are:

More details can be found on the Club Resources Page: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources (scroll down)

Please let the 4-H office know if you have suggestions for new club (co-)leaders and assistant club leaders.

4-H gets invited to local events to share who we are and what we have to offer to kids and adults. This is a great opportunity to promote your club as well and potentially get new members. Bringing sutable project animals or fun activities is always welcome. Here is the current list of local events 4-H is or can be part of. Contact Valerie at hipumpkins@gmail.com or the office to let her know what events you would like to participate in.

National 4-H week is the first full week in October and it is a way to highlight and promote 4-H locally on the club, community and county level. All clubs and members are encouraged to offer an activity or event that promotes their club and 4-H, dress in their 4-H gear, and talk to friends, neighbors, and extended family members about 4-H.

During National 4-H week, the first full week in October, clubs and 4-H families are invited to have a 4-H display (club specific, Morris County, or general 4-H). This can be a poster or display in a window or at a table in a store, place of business, office or other area where people pass by and see it. Please check with the place first what they would like to display for you during that week. And don't forget to include the official 4-H clover, Morris County 4-H, the club's name, and contact information and/or a way for people to find out more about the club and Morris County 4-H in general (morris4h.org). Club banners can be part of the display if space allows.

If you would like to pick up a few 4-H squares (from past Fair signs), let us know.

Email the office where you will have your display so you will be entered in the contest. The winner(s) will be announced at the awards event in November. 

Clubs are invited to have a table and/or club display at Tractor Supply in Flanders during the paper clover campaign. The proceeds will benefit Morris County 4-H. Read more about the national partnership between 4-H and Tractor Supply here.

All members are invited to submit a design for the 4-H Winter Holiday Card Contest before the October board meeting (before the 3rd Thursday in October). It can be any 2D art including photos that are easy to see and can be incorporated in a card. The cards will be send out to our Morris County 4-H community. Don't forget that it is for our winter holidays :-)

Our 4-H members' accomplishments and achievements during the previous 4-H year are celebrated at our 4-H awards ceremony in November

You as club leaders will have access to your member lists (or club rosters) in 4-H ZSuite. Please check regularly to make sure that all current members are enrolled, and you have new members on your contact list. 

All 4-H clubs, members, volunteers, and families are invited to  march  with the 4-H float  in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Morristown  in March. It's  a great way to show off your club banner and club gear/t-shirts.

All active 4-H members currently in 12th grade who have been active for their entire high school career are eligible for this Morris County 4-H scholarship. Details and application forms are on the Lubrano Scholarship page.

All 4-H'ers are invited to submit a drawing and theme title for our Fair (as well as the Yearbook cover etc.) More details on the Fair page.

4-H offers science workshops (lead by 4-H volunteers, 4-H teen members, clubs, parents, and 4-H friends) to kids in grades K-6. The event is held on a Saturday in March at CCM.

What has your club been up to? We are always looking for club reports and photos for our Discoveries page.

An important part of 4-H is public speaking. A county level Public Presentations Event is offered in May. All 4-H'ers are invited to present on anything they choose. More details can be found on the Club Resources Page.

We would love to have eye-catching flyers for all clubs to be put on the website. Take a look at the examples on our Clubs Page. The flyers will also be used as the club's yearbook page. Let us know if you would like help. Canva is a great and easy-to-use tool: canva.com. All you need is the free account. Thanks for the presentation Megan! 

Along with your club pages we would love to feature videos explaining what our clubs are all about. If your club is interested in creating such a club video and would like help editing and finishing it, then please send us your "raw material" (photos, videos, interviews, audio, text, drawings, ...) and a team of 4-H'ers will help you put it together. High resolution pictures and good quality video and audio is of course best for a beautiful outcome.

Check 4-H ZSuite every now and then and make sure all members are enrolled. If you prefer an email with the member list please ask. Knowing that all members are enrolled makes the job of the office so much easier and ensures that all members get important 4-H communication. - Thank you!!!

The office will inform leaders when new members enroll for their club.

Clubs are invited to have a table and/or club display at Tractor Supply in Flanders during the paper clover campaign. The proceeds will benefit Morris County 4-H. Read more about the national partnership between 4-H and Tractor Supply here.

All 4-H clubs, members, Morris County residents (including adults) are invited to exhibit at the Fair. From club banners and displays, animals, art, science projects, and writing to food, horticulture, and more - there is something for everyone. Find more information on the Fair Entry page

Having the 4-H Fair means "All Hands on Deck". There are many opportunities to offer activities, take on leadership roles, and to volunteer. Check the 4-H Fair Page for more details: https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-fair
*Please have all club families sign up for the Fair setup, Fair shifts, as well as clean up. THANK YOU!


Please see the Club Resource Page for details (scroll down): https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources

Please see the Club Resource Page for details (scroll down): https://www.morris4h.org/4-h-clubs/club-resources

Links and other useful tips:

Morris County 4-H Association + 

NJ 4-H State Association

There are many option to get more involved in 4-H in Morris County. All club leaders and appointed volunteers make up the Morris County 4-H Association, which is led by the 4-H Board of Directors. We can always use more volunteers for events, workshops, and to help with the clubs. Elections of 1/3 or the 13 seats on the boards are up for (re-)election every October. If you would like to learn more about becoming a leader or volunteer, or run for a board position, please let us know so we can have a volunteer or the nomination committee contact you.

There is also the NJ 4-H State Association. Each county has at least one representative. The group meets 4 times a year and discusses state programs (including participation in national 4-H trips and events) and fundraiser options to support them. Please let us know if you are interested in learning more.